Tuesday, September 25, 2007


before i share this with you, let me give you a little background. the email excerpts i will be sharing with you shortly are email series of me and vince, my former co-worker at coldwell. for some number of months, i was assigned at the desk next to his (i guess, until my old boss found out that half of my shift would be spent chatting with him instead of working... hehe), which how we became pretty good friends even outside work. he would usually listen to me - fairly patiently, for that matter - whine endlessly and repetitively about me and mike's drama. oh, yes, the good ol' days. so anyway, when we both quit at coldwell last year, w e did pretty good in keeping in touch (usually through email at work hehe) even though we did not see each other regularly. that was until the beginning of this year; our emails slowly became more sporadically.

anyway, i'm sharing some bits and pieces of this email since it honestly describes a summary of my viewpoint of me and mike's upside-down-turning journey together within the span of a single year...

last week, after several months of no communication, vince shot me an email just to catch up. the series below start with my reply. here it goes:

Subject: RE: Haaaayyyyy!!

Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 11:13:35 -0700

From: xxx@xxxxxxxx.com

To: xxx@hotmail.com

Well, Hello, Mr. Soto.

It’s been ages!!! I mean, look, the last time we talked was before your parents’ 50th wedding anniversary! That’s a looong time! hehehe… sure, I’d love to see some pics. I never met any of your family, so it’d be nice! Believe it or not, I have not partied hard since last year so I have no interesting pics to show you. hehe…

So you work with two Filipino women? I don’t feel threatened at all. I know mike and I will always have THE spot! Haha…

I know I mentioned it to you before, but since we have not talked in a while… Mike and I will have our church wedding (the whole nine yards and all…) on nov 24, so I hope you’re not planning on going out of town since that is the Saturday of thanksgiving weekend. Email me your home address so I can mail an invite to you… once it is done… yes, 8 weeks and all, and I still have not sent out my invites. I know you have not forgotten that I am the reigning queen of procrastination.

Anyway, I’ve been good, extremely busy but good. My life has been constantly spinning and changing as you can see since I moved out of my parents house last year. Mike’s daughters (ages 13 and 6) have come back from the Philippines; they stay with us 3 days per week, so aside from learning how to be a wife – a “good” wife, for that matter – I have been playing stepmother to girls who can practically be considered my little sisters. How fun is that!!! Heh… nah, it’s been a cool but crrrazy experience.

What about you? Anything else new???


From: vince soto [mailto:

Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 6:12 PM

To: Romulo, Sheila Mae

Subject: RE: Haaaayyyyy!!

YOU'RE A MOM!!!!!!!!!!

You have to admit that that is kinda funny - it wasn't that long ago that you didn't even want to get married because you said you were still too young and now you're a MOM...

C'mon.....you have to admit that that IS funny....at least a little....


From: Romulo, Sheila Mae
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 10:21 AM
To: 'vince soto'
Subject: RE: Haaaayyyyy!!

OK, yes, it IS funny. I am not denying the irony of my life! It seems like everything that I dreaded to happen is happening… faster than a bullet.

There are still times when I wake up in the morning and feel mike next to me, and like a lightning in my head, I realize, “oh my gosh, I’m married!!!” Then, add to that: a few minutes later, the kids would come barging in our room to wake us up (to make them breakfast), and I feel as if I am floating above my self watching the whole scene and laughing at myself mockingly, like, “are you freeeeakin’ kidding me?!?!?!”


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